Mark Twain
Francisco Meléndez (illustrations)
Written in a very humorous style, The Diaries of Adam and Eve prevails as one of Mark Twain’s greatest works. Through the personal story of the first inhabitants of Paradise, we witness their encounters, disagreements and accidents with unexpected surprise, the consequences of which are still regretted today.
Francisco Meléndez, a master of contemporary illustration, has depicted with great talent the Edenic couple in their thoughts and feelings, providing the story with pages of exquisite prints.
Adam’s Diary:
«This new creature with the long hair is a good deal in the way. It is always hanging around and following me about. I don't like this; I am not used to company. I wish it would stay with the other animals... Cloudy today, wind in the east; think we shall have rain... WE? Where did I get that word-- the new creature uses it.»
ISBN: 978-84-92412-68-6
See the author's biography
See the illustrator's biography