February 6, 2012

Knock Out

Jack London

Enrique Breccia (Illustrations)

«"You're yellow! You're yellow!" "Open up, you cur! Open up!" Kill'm, Danny! Kill'm!" "You sure got 'm! Kill'm!»

Written between 1905 and 1911, the stories collected in Knock Out include A Piece of Steak, The Mexican, and The Game. Three boxing stories, three fascinating tales whose intensity grows page after page until perfection. Jack London and three memorable fights, with the epic character typical of his literature.

Enrique Breccia, one of the great contemporary illustrators, has drawn twenty black and white prints that confer a powerful realism to each of these adventures, packed with excitement and courage. Pages where the images and the stories attract our attention, eventually transforming it into pure excitement.

165 x 240 mm, 132 pp, Hardback with Jacket
ISBN: 978-84-92412-94-5

See the illustrator's biography

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